Career Oil Exec Dedicates Himself to Capping Millions of Abandoned Oil Wells...
Across the United States, there may actually be millions of old oil wells that emit methane into the atmosphere and pollute local ecosystems; a truly staggering problem that few people knew existed....
View ArticleThere Are Many Reasons Electric Vehicles Are ‘Green’, According to Yale...
With new major spending packages investing billions of dollars in electric vehicles in the U.S., some analysts have raised concerns over how green the electric vehicle industry actually is, focusing...
View ArticleThese Solar Shingles on Your Roof Could Be Producing Energy With Simple...
For the entire history of human civilization, entrepreneurs have found that the easiest way to sell a brand new technology is to adapt it into the existing ones: hence the evolution from solar panels...
View ArticleThese Seaweed-Inspired Generators Create Underwater Wave Power
A prototype renewable energy device modeled after seaweed generates kinetic energy while it gently lolls about under the waves. While only a proven concept, at a large enough scale the small filaments...
View ArticleIKEA Buys Land Damaged by Hurricane in Florida to Plant Forests
Ingka Group, the owners of the IKEA furniture chain, just bought 3,200 acres of forest in Florida that had been destroyed by a hurricane in order to restore it with longleaf pine. Part of the retail...
View ArticleCollege Seniors Fix Erosion in New Orleans By Resuming Citywide Bottle...
It was during a conversation over a bottle of wine, one which they knew would simply end up in a landfill, that a pair of New Orleans residents started their own non-profit glass recycling service. In...
View ArticleNew Company Turns 100 Tons of Non-Recyclable Plastic Into Building Blocks For...
Recycling doesn’t always mean chemically separating things into component parts, or finding a new life for an old object. An LA-based startup is proving that landfills need not be dug for plastics, if...
View ArticleA New Neighborhood is Being Built in Utah That Looks Like a European ‘One-Car...
Car-free zones, bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly urban design; these aren’t the features of a typical American suburb. This sounds like something in The Netherlands rather than in Utah, where a new...
View ArticleShoes Made From Coffee Grounds and Recycled Plastic Bottles Are Not Only...
Your morning coffee could be used to make a pair of sneakers, a Finnish startup reveals. Rens makes new kicks from old coffee, cutting back on waste in terms of space in landfills and methane...
View ArticleThis Bubbly Blue Soda Gets its Color From the Sea – and Captures CO2 With...
Dutch food scientists have created a bright turquoise soda made from a kind of algae which absorbs more carbon than it emits through the production process. Sustainability aside, the soda is made from...
View ArticleCovering Crops in Red Plastic Can Boost Yields Up to 37 Percent
For centuries, humans have used greenhouses to help plants grow outside of tolerable conditions. Now, as it turns out, it might be much better if instead of greenhouses, we built redhouses. The red...
View ArticleGerman City Diverts Goods From Landfills, Repairs Them, Then Sells in...
It’s not every day that a municipal waste department spends more time thinking about saving things than dumping them. In Hamburg in Germany, however, there’s money to be made in the second-hand market,...
View ArticleGuinness is ‘Brewing Good’ by Cutting Carbon Footprint of its Barley Farms
My goodness—Guinness is going green. The Irish brewery is launching an agricultural program to make its stouts more sustainable. It’s already tapped 40 Irish farms to join its pilot regenerative...
View ArticleScientists Engineer Bacteria to Eat CO2 and Release Valuable Acetone and...
Scientists have discovered a way to genetically engineer bacteria that will consume carbon oxide and carbon dioxide before converting them to two widely used chemicals, acetone and isopropanol, thereby...
View ArticleThe Perfect Answer for Berlin’s Invasive Species Problem – Make Them Into...
A Berlin food truck is opening people’s minds and mouths by feeding them a menu of invasive species with the slogan, “If you can’t beat them, eat them!” Serving up Louisiana crawfish, baked nutria,...
View ArticleCarbon-Negative Plant Opens in Turkey Turning Algae Into Bio-Jet Fuel and So...
Europe’s first large-scale biorefinery for turning algae into fuels and feedstocks has been completed on the Black Sea shore of Istanbul. Set to head up a new “bio-economy,” the refinery, powered...
View ArticleNew Electric Boat Just Levitated Boating to a New Level, While Ending Fuel Leaks
A Swedish shipwright has unveiled successful tests for a new fully-electric hydrofoil speed boat which it says will change the face of recreational boating forever. The C-8, by Candela, can do 20 knots...
View ArticleNew Plant-Derived Sustainable ‘Plastic’ is Tough as Bone and Hard as Aluminum
The strongest part of a tree lies not in its trunk or its sprawling roots, but in the walls of its microscopic cells. A single wood cell wall is constructed from fibers of cellulose—nature’s most...
View ArticleBritain’s Royal Mint is Salvaging Gold from E-Waste – Recycling Precious...
Perhaps the least-debated of all environmental dangers, unrecycled electronic waste is piling up around the world at alarming rates. Inside every laptop and smartphone is an electronic circuit...
View ArticleJobs in US Green Economy Grew to 6% of Total Employment –And Will Grow at 16x...
A new report shows that the percentage of jobs in the U.S. that fall under the category “green” has increased over the last 50 years to 9 million, or 6% of the total workforce. This number is not only...
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